Happy Birthday Sydney Harbour Bridge

On Saturday 19th March 2011, Sydney Harbour Bridge turned 79.

Apart from celebrating so many years since the opening of the world famous Sydney Harbour Bridge, the day also represents the official start to the much anticipated countdown for the 80th anniversary next year, a colossal milestone for the Bridge and its harbour city.

The Bridge opened on Saturday 19 March 1932 and has proved to be the iron lung of the city of Sydney. Its construction recruited over 2500 people during the Great Depression and the Bridge now connects the populations of North and South Sydney by currently supporting approximately 156,590 vehicles on a daily basis.

Through its grand beauty and meticulously engineered stature the Bridge has also proved to be a quintessential Australian landmark, and along with the Sydney Opera House is recognisable across the world and an absolute "must-see" experience during the recent visit by Oprah Winfrey.

On Sunday 20th March, BridgeClimb Sydney, the company who shares the Bridge's secrets and showcases its spectacular view every day, celebrated the Bridge's 79th birthday with Climbers from Australia and around the world.

The company's Managing Director, Todd Coates says "BridgeClimb Sydney is privileged to celebrate with our Climbers the 79th anniversary of this engineering masterwork. This is the penultimate celebration before the 80th anniversary, and a moment to honour the cultural and historical significance of this global icon".
