$3 million incentive won for Sydney

Business Events Sydney -INCENTIVE BID ANNOUNCEMENTS Bid wins from the Asian Office

BC Card (Korea) Corporate Members Incentive 2010

Date: May 2010
Delegates: 700
Estimated value: $3.49 million

BC Card is South Korea's biggest credit card company and has over 52 million cards in Korea, making it the top payment network in South Korea.

BC Card runs many incentive and promotional programmes for their card members, with over 6,000 pax per year with the largest being their mid-year incentive programme. This programme involves 3,000 pax travelling to several destinations between June-November. Card members who qualify for this incentive get to choose from a list of 4 destinations being offered.

The lead came from a sales visit with the client in February 2010. A small group travelled to Sydney in March 2010 and a second, larger group incentive for mid 2010 was considering Sydney. Other destinations being considered were Melbourne, Gold Coast, China, Japan, Southeast Asia.

BESydney outlined the appeal of Sydney as an incentive destination including regional touring options, attractions and activities available, many of which the client was unaware of.

Sydney has been confirmed as one of the selected cities along with Miyazaki in Japan, Weihai in China and Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia. Sydney was selected because of the beautiful icons, great weather, fresh air and unpolluted natural scenery, adorable iconic animals, and the strong support from BESydney.

New Line Tours (Australia) is the appointed inbound tour operator.

For more information contact Elizabeth Li or visit the Bid Wins Calendar.

Korea Life Insurance Annual Award Incentive 2010

Date: June 2010
Delegates: 100
Estimated value: $299,400

We have been pursuing potential for Korea Life Insurance incentives since early 2008 when we first met the client through our Asian sales call cycle.

Established in 1946, Korea Life Insurance is the nation's first insurer. Korea Life Insurance runs many incentives each year with the key event being the Annual Award Incentive for their best performing sales agents.

The Asian office have been actively communicating with the client to keep Sydney top of mind including involvement in joint BESydney functions and events with Tourism Australia in Seoul.
These communication channels opened the opportunity for the client to consider Australia for their June incentive. The client was also considering Melbourne, Gold Coast, Perth and the Northern Territory with the initial curiosity of what else Australia has to offer.

Through the bid submission and presentations Sydney was painted as a very attractive tourist city to motivate and reward their top sales people. The client was also keen to support Sydney due to our long term relationship and support in the past.

Korea Life Insurance Annual Award Incentive will be a twin city incentive, with 2 nights in Sydney and 2 nights in Melbourne. They will be staying at Shangri La Hotel on 17 and 18 June. The appointed agent in Korea is Hyundai Dream Tour and their inbound tour operator is UTC based in Sydney.

For more information contact Elizabeth Li or visit the Bid Wins Calendar.
