Sydney's Royal Easter Show Opens

Rodeo riders have polished their spurs, the prize pigs are clean and pink and the gates have officially opened at the Royal Easter Show.
More than 900,000 visitors are expected to pour through the exhibits in Sydney between Friday, April 5 and Sunday, April 22.

About 20,000 tourists have bought tickets reserved for the Asian market.

Kids will flock to the packed showbag pavilion, with a record 342 different bags on sale including Masterchef, Smurfs and Bertie Beetle bags.

General manager of the Royal Easter Show Michael Collins said more than 12 hours of entertainment would be packed into every day.

"The show is a great educational opportunity for kids to get their boots dirty," he said in a statement.
There will still be the traditional show competitions such as the young farmer challenge, the young auctioneer competition and the showdown to find the best wood chopper, honey, horse, dog, cat and alpaca.

Celebrity vet Dr Katrina Warren is hosting a Wonderdogs show featuring talented pups who perform on cue and can speak and spell.

There will also be two world record attempts: organisers will try to assemble the largest number of people wearing an eye patch while musicians can take part in a mass ukulele ensemble.

Sydney's Royal Easter Show Opens
